Welcoming a new life into the world is undoubtedly an awe-inspiring experience, full of joy, wonder, and profound changes. As a mother, your body has undergone a miraculous transformation to nurture and bring forth new life. Now, as you embark on the journey of motherhood, you may find yourself longing to regain your physical strength, stamina, and overall well-being. Enter postpartum exercise—the gateway to rediscovering exercising after giving birth to reclaim your body, revitalize your energy, and boost your confidence.

The postpartum period is a unique time for women, characterized by a delicate balance of physical recovery and adjusting to the demands of caring for a newborn. While it’s essential to prioritize rest and self-care during the initial weeks after giving birth, gradually incorporating exercise into your routine can offer numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health.

In this article, we will explore the importance of postpartum exercise, the potential challenges faced by new mothers, and practical strategies to help you safely and effectively reintroduce fitness into your life. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section, understanding the physiological changes your body has undergone and approaching exercise with guidance and patience can help you establish a sustainable and empowering fitness routine.

We will delve into the various aspects of postpartum fitness, including pelvic floor health, core strength, cardiovascular endurance, and overall toning. We’ll also address common concerns such as diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles), postpartum depression, and finding the time and motivation to exercise amidst the demands of motherhood.

Moreover, we will offer expert advice from healthcare professionals, fitness specialists, and experienced mothers who have successfully navigated the postpartum fitness journey. Their insights and practical tips will empower you to make informed decisions and embrace exercise as an integral part of your postpartum recovery.

Remember, embarking on your postpartum fitness journey is not about striving for an unrealistic standard or rushing to regain your pre-pregnancy body. Rather, it’s an opportunity to reconnect with your physical self, foster mental well-being, and establish a sustainable lifestyle that supports your overall health and happiness.

So, whether you are a new mom or an expectant mother preparing for the road ahead, join us as we embark on the transformative journey of postpartum exercise, celebrating the strength and resilience of the female body. Let’s embrace the postpartum power and rediscover the joy of exercising after giving birth.

You’ve been through the hardest, most painful trial you’ll ever experience. So you should be more than confident that you can get back in shape – especially with these 7 workouts you could do to shed those mommy fats away.

Pelvic Tilts

Everyone should know that crunches are not the best option for weight loss, especially after delivering a baby. Instead, you can perform pelvic tilts to train your lower back and pelvic floor while also strengthening your abdominals to a degree. It can also help alleviate back pains associated with pregnancy and exercising after giving birth.


  • Lie down on a mat or any comfortable flat surface. Make sure your palms and soles are perfectly flat on the floor with your knees are bent.
  • Inhale deeply and try to relax your lower back.
  • As you exhale, pull your hips inwards to your stomach. Focus on your glutes the as you feel the pressure on your lower back. Keep the rest of your body straight and hold this position for 5 seconds.
  • Lastly, relax your pelvis and return back to your starting position. Repeat for up to 40 times.

Wall Squats

Wall squats is another workout that can strengthen your lower back as you try to burn more calories.


  • First, stand straight with your back flat against a wall. Remember to keep your palms flat on the wall while your feet are planted firmly on the floor.
  • Keep your feet together as you try to push them outwards while you slide your body down. Keep it steady when your knees are bent to 90 degrees.
  • Feel the pressure on your lower back and hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Stand back up and repeat everything for up to 3-5 times.

Lunges with Extra Baggage

If you want to burn some extra calories while keeping a watchful eye over your baby, then you could try performing simple lunges at home – with your baby as extra weight. Since lunges work by using your bodyweight as the resisting force, holding your baby close to your chest can improve its benefits while exercising after giving birth.


  • Hold your baby securely into your chest and stand up straight.
  • Put your right leg forward and bend both knees. Your left knee should approach the ground while your right foot remains flat to keep your leg perpendicular to the floor.
  • Stretch further until your left knee is within inches from the ground. Afterwards, slowly push and return to standing position.
  • Repeat for 8-12 times as you alternate between each leg.

Squats…with Extra Baggage

If you enjoyed performing lunges with your baby, then you might be interested to do the same with squats. Just like the previous exercise, this one utilizes the weight of your baby for added resistance.


  • Assume the standing position of lunges with your baby. This time, make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower your baby as you perform a regular squat. Remember to keep your body straight, lift your chest up, and keep your shoulders even.
  • Carefully lower your baby down until his/her feet touches the ground. However, this is not recommended for babies below 10 weeks old.
  • Repeat for 10-15 times. If your baby is big enough to be held by the waist, lift him or her up into the air when you get back to standing position.

Jumping Rope

Although workouts that focus on abdominal muscles may improve the appearance of a mommy tummy, make no mistake that burning through the excess fats stored in your system after maternity still requires caloric deficit, which is why simple cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, and jump ropes are excellent since they are sustainable. Since jump ropes can be done practically anywhere, it should be one of the first cardio exercises you need to consider when exercising after giving birth.

Brisk Walking

Aside from the calories burned, walking also relieves stress and accelerates metabolism. It will also provide you with an excuse to buy an adorable baby carrier or stroller. Remember that you can do this exercise every day except on a bad weather – unless you have spare money to buy medicine for cough and cold (hopefully just for you).

Running Up the Stairs

On a new mother’s standpoint, leaving the house and going for a walk could be terrifying, even if you can bring your child with you. This is why an effective alternative would be to jog or run up and down the stairs to burn major calories. And believe it or not, using the stairs for such an activity can help you burn up to twice the amount of calories. So say no the next time your husband suggests purchasing a treadmill.

In conclusion, the postpartum period offers a remarkable opportunity for self-discovery and empowerment as you navigate the world of motherhood. By incorporating postpartum exercise into your routine, you can embark on a transformative journey that not only restores your physical strength but also nurtures your mental and emotional well-being. Remember to listen to your body, seek professional guidance, and be patient with yourself as you gradually reintroduce fitness into your life. Embrace the journey, celebrate your accomplishments, and savor the joy that comes with reclaiming your body and embracing your newfound postpartum power. You are a remarkable, resilient, and extraordinary woman, capable of achieving great things both inside and outside the realm of motherhood. Here’s to your continued success and well-being as you embark on this empowering chapter of your life.

Author Bio:

Ianna Reign Stevenson is a professional writer based in London, England. She is a young mother of a three year old toddler and a physical therapist by profession. Connect with her on Twitter.