Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you noticed that your eating patterns are linked to your mood? Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? If so, nutritional counselling could help you to stop comfort eating and make positive changes to your diet. If you’re looking for weight loss in Frisco, don’t hesitate to contact Lone Star Bariatrics, who can offer you help and advice in the form of weight loss clinics and nutritional counselling.

In this article, we will look at foods that you could add to your diet to help manage anxiety and depression and to help you lose weight. But first, let’s think about some of the foods that should be avoided or eaten in moderation. Fried foods are not only bad for your health but can cause anxiety if consumed regularly, as can foods high in artificial sugars.

Aim to eat healthily and cut out processed foods as much as possible. You may also consider consulting a nutritionist for extra help or to write out some meal plans. Any foods which are rich in magnesium, B vitamins, zinc, and antioxidants are great for helping reduce anxiety. Try adding some of these to your diet:


Avocados are high in B vitamins, which we need for a healthy brain and mind. Vitamin B deficiency is a cause of anxiety, and increasing B vitamins is essential for healthy brain cell development.


Add some seaweed to your diet in the form of sushi. Seaweed is rich in nutrients and contains high levels of magnesium. It has been proven that magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety, so it’s important to get enough of this vitamin. Seaweed contains tryptophan which, when consumed, turns into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that calms the nervous system. Other foods that are high in magnesium and tryptophan are whole grain pasta and bread.


Several fruits have a calming, stress relief effect. Blueberries, acai berries, and peaches are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. They are considered superfoods and eaten regularly affect anxiety and depression.

Oranges are great for improving the mood. If you are feeling depressed or stressed, sit outside in nature, preferably in the sunshine and eat an orange to feel your mood improve.


If you have problems with anemia, fatigue, or lack of energy, as well as anxiety, then add some almonds to your diet. Almonds are high in Iron and also contain Zinc, which is a mood-enhancing food. They also contain healthy fats, which are important for a healthy brain and mind.


Bananas are a great food to consume if you are experiencing symptoms of stress, low mood, or PMS. A banana can help to regulate blood sugar, which has a stress-relieving and relaxing effect on the body. They can also be used to help overcome depression as they contain high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin to help create a happy mood through brain neurotransmitters. These are a great food that should be part of any nutritional counselling plan.

Camomile tea

If you are feeling anxious, try sipping on a camomile tea to help calm you down and reduce stress. If you are having problems sleeping, then you could also try drinking camomile tea. Create a strong tea by putting two or three tea bags in a thermal flask and leaving them for 30 minutes to brew. Drink this in the early evening to help you get to sleep or drink throughout the day to help improve anxiety symptoms.