We are often encouraged to drink water regularly. Yet, can excessive intake of water cause a problem? The negative consequences of overhydration or dehydration are not uncommon since the body cells require a sufficient amount of water to function appropriately.

Overhydration involves drinking too much water than the body needs. On the flip side of the coin, dehydration involves losing too many fluids than the body needs.  There are no guaranteed formulas for the right amount of water to drink daily. Generally, it is recommended that eight glasses of water is sufficient enough for the body.

With all these considered, it is essential to consider the consequences of overhydration and dehydration. This article will do this while also looking into which of these conditions is worse. So, keep on reading!

What Happens After Overhydration?

You may experience certain conditions like intoxication, water poisoning, and disruption in brain function when you drink too much water. In many cases, these can cause the body cells to swell due to the excessive amount of water in these cells. When the cells swell, especially the brain cells, this can cause pressure in the brain. This may come in the form of headaches, confusion, and drowsiness. A further increase in pressure may result in hypertension and a low heart rate.

The electrolyte that becomes most affected by overhydration is Sodium. This causes a condition known as hyponatremia, which is a harbinger of a low amount of sodium in the body. Sodium is an essential element in the body that ensures that the balance of fluids in and out of the cell is maintained. When the level of sodium drops, owing to a large amount of water that enters the body, fluids get inside the cell and they swell.

the amount of water you take should depend on your location, your health, and your physical activities. Dehydration can actually result in weight loss, which can be excessive sometimes. For some women, taking weight gain pills for females might be a good idea. However, drinking enough water, staying hydrated, and consuming nutrient-rich diets might just be what they need.

What Are the Signs That You’re Drinking Too Much Water?

There are certain signs you should look out for that show that you are drinking too much water. Some of these are:

The color of your urine

A very good way to determine if the amount of water you are drinking is right is through your urine. If the urine is often too clear, it shows that you consume a large quantity of water in a short period.

Excessive trips to the bathroom

If you visit the bathroom more than usual, it is a sign of overhydration you should watch out for. Peeing 10 times a day or more is a cause for concern.

Overhydration Is Bad? Then, What are the Effects of Dehydration

When there is dehydration, your body does not have sufficient water to carry out some regular functions. Dehydration also result in the loss of essential nutrients, including Sodium. This can also can result in several complications, including shock and seizures.

The amount of fluid that is required per day depends on several factors, including weight and age. Typically, adults below the age of 65 require about 30 milliliters of fluids per pound of weight. On the other hand, adults over the age of 65 require about 25 milliliters of fluid per pound of weight.

What Happens When You Are Dehydrated?

When you are dehydrated, there are some signs you should notice. These include:

  • Headache
  • Dry mouth and mucous membranes (lips, gums, nostrils)
  • Sleepiness
  • Dark yellow- or amber-colored urine
  • Decrease in urination
  • Decreased skin elasticity
  • Low blood pressure

Which is Better: Overhydration or Dehydration?

While both are bad medical conditions that can pose a serious threat to human health, being overhydrated is worse than staying dehydrated. According to studies, overhydration is as bad as – or even worse than – extreme dehydration. For this reason, it is important to watch out for the amount of fluid we consume.