In Edmonton’s busy blue collar lifestyle people often don’t have time to go to the gym and work out. So don’t. It is a common misconception that to be more physically active you need to get a personal trainer and be training every day, but in reality getting a quick 45min workout in the comfort of your own home 3-4 times a week can make an exponential improvement to your overall fitness level.



The push up is a great upper body strength exercise, but also acts as a great core exercise. When performing a push-up your hands should remain directly under the shoulders throughout the movement. You should think of your body as a straight line and you don’t want any point of your body to deviate from the straight line as you perform the movement, a great way to insure you maintain a straight line is to flex your glutes and your core during this exercise. If you find yourself struggling with this movement try keeping your knees on the ground, this will take some of the load off your upper body.

Sets: 3

Reps: till failure


Tricep Dips

Tricep dips are great for building stronger and more defined arms. To perform a proper dip there is a few simple mechanical things to make sure you are watching for. Begin the movement with your arm straight and elbows locked, during the descending section of the movement you should get your shoulders below your elbows. Keeping your head and chest up is essential to maintain proper breathing throughout the movement.

Sets: 3

Reps: 12



This movement works on lower body strength and leg definition as well as testing your balance. Start standing with your feet shoulder with apart, then take an overexerted but comfortable step forward lower your back knee to the ground. Keep your head and chest up with hands on hip to maintain balance. When returning back to starting position or point A as seen above, you want to drive up using your front leg the back leg in this movement should be used only to maintain balance.

Sets: 4

             Reps: 6 each leg


                  Squats are the bread and butter of any workout it’s a great core and lower body strengthening exercise, and don’t forget the wonders it does for your glutes. Start with your feet shoulder width apart, insure that toes are pointing straight. While performing the movement keeping a straight back and your head up. Imagine there is a 2 by 4 running from the top of your head down to your butt and you don’t want to lose contact with the board through the full movement. At the top of the squat you want to flex your glutes to get the full benefit of the exercise.

Sets: 4

               Reps: 12


Step ups

The most important aspect of the step up is insuring that you use your front leg as the primary mover, often people will push of their back leg to give some assistance with the movement, by doing this you take away from the full potential of the exercise. While performing this movement you want to maintain a neutral spine and always have your head up, picking a spot on the wall to stare at is always a good way to make sure you keep your head and spine in neutral position.

Sets: 4

Reps: 12



                  For this simple exercise lay flat on the ground with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor, next place your hands on the side of your head and slowly crunch bringing your chin towards your knees lifting your shoulder blades up off the ground. During this movement really concentrate on constricting your abs and focus on the abdominal muscles.

Sets: 3

                  Reps: till failure

By : Jordan Wright – NAIT PFT Student


PFTR1222 – Resistance Training and Assessment (2013/2014 Winter Term (1132) Modules 1,3 and 4