A Hair transplant consists of a process in which there is the harvesting of hair follicles from a scalp area and is transplanted in the areas affected by hair loss. Once the hair transplant surgery is over, the transplanted hair will continue to grow and won’t be a victim of hair loss. Over the years, there is a major increase in the success rate of these hair transplant surgeries. Its popularity stems from its effectiveness and production of a high-yielding successful outcome.

There is a 99% success rate when it comes to the transplantation of these grafts or follicular units. Loss or thinning of hair is a normal part of aging; however, it can also take place as a result of medical conditions and scalp injuries. People choose to have hair transplant surgery to build up their confidence level. They usually go for natural hair transplants during the treatment. Natural hair transplants will make the person feel more comfortable and satisfied.

What Are Its Success Rates?

There is an array of factors that comes into play for the success rates in this treatment. Some of its factors include:

  • Surgeon’s skill set and experience.
  • The patient’s donor hair thickness.

From the ASPS or American Society of Plastic Surgeons, we come to know that hair transplantation offers a great change in the patient’s hair fullness. According to another study, many patients who undergo the FUE procedure utilizing beard or body hair and scalp hair are happy with the outcome, with a follow-up of about 2.9 years on average. There is a mean final score of 8.3/10 among the 79 participants.

Also, according to another study, PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy with the FUE treatment elevates the success rate of FUE Hair transplants. After six months, the entire group of participants within the PRP group started witnessing up to 75% of hair regrowth. The participants started witnessing rapid movements in their skin recovery and hair density compared to those present inside the non-PRP group.

Procedure Types

During the surgery, your surgeon will locate the dense place of your hair and start removing all the healthy follicles. They often take the follicles from the back of your head. After they take out these follicles, they proceed in implanting them inside the small slits present on the affected scalp area. When it comes to this treatment, you will find two popular procedures. They include:

FUSS Procedure – FUSS stands for Follicular Unit Strap Surgery. In this method, the surgeon eradicates a strip of your skin present on the place of your donor. After removing the skin, they start closing the incisions by stitching them back. Next, your surgeon will utilize a microscope for separating your donor skin into units of minuscule follicles possessing one or numerous hair follicles and adding these units to the desired location.

FUE Procedure – FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. In this method, your surgeon utilizes a tiny punching tool for eradicating follicles present in the donor area. In this procedure, stitches aren’t a requirement. There are chances of some scarring, but it will not be that visible.

What Is The Recovery Process Like?

The hair transplant surgery will take either several days or hours to finish. The timeframe will vary on your surgeon’s work performance. You don’t have to admit yourself to the hospital after the treatment. You can easily go back home the same day itself. The surgeon will gently remove all your bandages after the completion of the surgery.

You can expect the treated area to be somewhat swollen, but your surgeon will take care of it by injecting triamcinolone. It helps in keeping down the swollen area. There will cause some soreness and pain for the next few days, but that’s normal. Your surgeon will prescribe you pain medications, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics.

Aftercare Post-Surgery

After your hair transplant surgery, here are some of the tips that you can take up for early recovery. They are as follows:

  • Always avoid washing your hair for the first few days because the affected site is still fresh.
  • When you do wash your hair, ensure that you use high-quality shampoos of mild nature.
  • You should avoid pressing the brush and combing down your hair over the newer grafts. Avoid doing it for the first three weeks.
  • It is best to stay away from wearing hats and pullover jackets or shirts. Ensure that you stay away from these apparels unless your surgeon says it’s okay.
  • You need to avoid exercising for a week straight.

The Key Takeaway!

Hair transplant surgery is suitable for people that are experiencing rapid hair loss and thinning. The issue may stem from accidents, genetics, or medical conditions like Alopecia. Regardless of the case, hair transplant surgery proves to be fitting for these patients. It is far better than other hair restoration treatments or products. The success of the treatment is a guarantee, but there are scarring risks. Once you consult your physician and get the surgery done, you will soon be confident and happy.