According to the stats, twenty percent of kids are food insecure. Plus, when schools close, food-insecure kids can be highly vulnerable. And that’s exactly where after school meals come in handy. With after-school meals, your child can develop better and lead a healthier lifestyle. Keep reading to learn more about how children can benefit from taking after-school meals.

Access to Nutrition Education

After school meals provide children with a perfect chance to learn about nutrition. They’ll be able to complete at least ten education lessons every year. And this will help them develop healthy eating habits. Plus, it will go a long way in helping them gain a deeper insight into dieting and how it can affect their well-being.

Healthy Food Options

Hunger has a significant impact on health. It can negatively affect your child’s ability to learn and develop. After-school meal sites are dedicated to providing children with good, healthy food that reduces their risk of diet-related illness.

Kids who’re at risk of hunger are particularly vulnerable when school is closed. After school meals make a significant impact in the lives of such children by providing them with healthy meals.

A Safe Space to Thrive

After-school meal sites don’t just provide children with food. They also offer them a safe space to enjoy meals. Plus, they can redirect funds intended for purchasing foodstuff to school programs, such as STEM tutoring, homework assistance, as well as, anti-bullying classes.

Key Takeaway

Children are supposed to eat every three to four hours. This prevents them from starving. And they always need to eat a well-balanced diet. Processed foods, such as chips and cookies can’t truly satisfy hunger. That’s why after school snack programs are so important to kids. 

But the good news is that there are several other ways through which you can help your kids manage hunger after school. Setting a consistent time for taking meals and snacks is crucial to fending off that strong feeling of hunger. Start your child’s day with a healthy breakfast meal that includes both proteins, as well as, a high-quality carbohydrate. Pack a healthy school lunch for them and send them a nutritious snack to bridge the gap between meals.

When combines with high-quality carbohydrates, lean protein offers staying power. This can be the simplest way to keep your kids healthy all year round. Ensure that every meal or snack contains lean protein and a healthy carbohydrate. Examples of lean proteins include turkey, peanut butter, string cheese, nuts, as well as, Greek yogurt. Whole grain bread, veggies, and fruits are some of the carbohydrates you may want to consider. Children who consume meals and snacks that contain both proteins and carbohydrates are more likely to stay satisfied longer.

The Bottom-Line

After school meals are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. Among other things, after school meals help kids lead healthier and happier lives. From offering access to nutrition education to providing your children with a safe space to thrive, after schools meals will definitely serve as a life-changer.