Restorative dentistry refers to the replacement of missing or damaged teeth mainly through dental replacement procedures. It’s one of the most amazing methods of bringing back the natural smile for individuals faced with teeth defects. Dental implants provide the most appealing results for patients who have lost self-esteem through the accidental damage or loss of teeth.

The Role

Cavities and gaps have a negative impact on the dental formula, and thus the appearance/image of a person. Cavities mainly result from tooth decay and bacterial infection. Restorative dentistry plays a pivotal role in providing permanent solutions to problems of teeth loss, caused by general defects or accidents. One of the core values that guide Newport Beach dental implant experts include ensuring that the patient does not only recover from pain, cavities, and gaps in teeth but also gets their aesthetic look restored. Teeth replacement can be achieved by using a dental filling, dental implants, dentures, and bridges.

Dental implants

One of the most popular procedures for replacing missing teeth is dental implants. The choice will be based on the structure of the jawbone and gum. Dental implants are metal frames, which are drilled surgically into the jawbone to provide a structure that can replace teeth. The procedure involves a minor surgery on the jawbone, where the implant is fixed and allowed to fuse with the bone. This surgical fixture is essential in teeth replacement as it technically replaces a missing root and forms the surface where an artificial tooth can be mounted.

The implant has a unique way of providing stability for the replaced tooth as a result of the fusion. Titanium implants are commonly used in dental implants because they blend so perfectly with one’s dental formula and are not easily recognizable. Dental implants offer a pragmatic, permanent solution with no dietary restrictions. They don’t alter the health of adjacent teeth as is the case with other procedures.


Dentures are special removable devices used by dentists to replace missing teeth. They are simply artificial teeth and gums, used to replace one’s dental formula. Dentures are designed to fit exactly into the jaw structure, without interfering with the stability of other adjacent, natural teeth. There are two types of dentures that can be used, based on the number of teeth missing; complete and partial dentures.

Where the complete set of teeth are missing or need replacement, then a complete denture is prescribed. The procedure is performed sixty days after the defective teeth have been removed from the mouth to allow for healing. This is a procedure for conventional cases. Where only a few teeth are to be replaced, a partial denture can be superimposed on a plastic bearing with the color of the gum at the base. The adjacent teeth are then cemented via a fixed bridge to prevent other teeth from changing positions.

In cases where immediate replacement is required, an immediate denture is the most appropriate solution. Here, the healing process of the gum will happen at the same time as the setting of the denture.

Dental filling

After specialized restorative dentistry procedures, filling materials like gold or tin are preferred when filling tooth cavities. Once the decay has been taken care of, filling helps to restore the tooth back to its original strength. Other convenient methods include the use of tooth-shaped crowns and bridges.