The flu is a form of respiratory virus that affects the throat, bronchi, and sometimes the lungs. Many refer to flu as an inconvenience that subsides in a few days without any treatment. While, in most cases, it is true, it can lead to serious health complications. Although there is very little permanent medicine-based cures to help get rid of the flu 9besides simply washing your hands regularly), some remedies can heal the flu faster. Several medications claim to cure the flu more quickly, but the question is how many of them are effective.

Generally, people believe most of the things they see on the internet. But trusting any false remedies or supplements can make the flu and its symptoms worse. If the discussion has made you perplexed so far, the following sections bring in some good news for you.

When it is about treating the flu, people often buy costly medicines from drugstores that claim a hundred percent effective cure. Unfortunately, most of these do not provide ever-lasting relief.

Scroll down to discover some of the most effective and promising supplements and self-care practices that can help reduce your illness time. A few of these remedies are even scientifically proven to help reduce the amount of inconvenience caused by the flu.

Drink Plenty of Warm and Healthy Liquids

Hot water, soup, or warm lemon water with honey work as natural decongestants and prevent dehydration. Hot drinks can be a relief for sore throat and cough symptoms. It also thins mucus and makes it comfortably easier for you to drain it from your nose and sinuses.

Take herbal teas such as ginger tea, lemon tea, green tea, etc., as they also help prevent headaches. Try to avoid unhealthy drinks, such as alcohol, coffee, or cold-drinks that can dry you out and make the flu worse. 

Although, a sip of whiskey (about 1 ounce) and a teaspoon of honey can be a relief. Not more than one, though. Also, avoid sugary drinks, as it can thicken the mucus.

Get More Sleep

The CDC observes that our body requires rest to combat the infection effectively.

A night of good sleep is necessary for your body to rest and recover. Research shows that while you sleep, your body generates a protein called Cytokines, which are important for fighting infection and inflammation.

Exercises also can be a bad move during this condition. It would probably be best to take it easy for a few days.  

Relax Your Body and Mind

While being sick, your body requires more energy than usual to fight off the infection. Above all, it is your immune system that is going to combat the disease.

Do not take stress with your body or your mind and keep your immune system in top condition. One way to relax is by meditating.

Meditation helps your body and mind relax. You may also take some time out of your phone and computer screen and listen to some relaxing music.

Gargle with Warm Saltwater

Gargling with salt water can also help you get some relief from sore throat. Warm salt water can pull out a lot of mucus from the tissue in your throat. It helps in swelling the mucus. 

Add ¼ or ½ teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and stir it well. Children below the age of 6 years may not be able to gargle properly. 

The elders should be extra cautious for infants as they might choke on them. You can also use throat sprays in such cases.

Level-Up on Vitamin C

Vitamin C is quite helpful for fighting the flu. Vitamin C does not directly prevent flu, but it can help you to recover faster by boosting your immune system.

Hence, it would be best to take extra care to improve your Vitamin C level at the first sign of the flu. Though there is medication available to enhance vitamin C, you can always try natural foods.

Here are some of the foods having abundant Vitamin C:

  • Oranges
  • Papayas
  • Lychees
  • Lemons
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Kiwis
  • Kale
  • Mustard Spinach
  • Parsley
  • Chili Peppers

Take a Warm Shower

A hot shower can make you feel refreshed, and also the steam can be effective in clearing your throat and nose.

A hot shower will also help you relax your aching muscle. However, it is on you to decide if you can take a shower, but it turns out to be helpful in most cases. You must always clean-up yourself and remain sanitized.

Moisturize the Air

Dry air can increase the symptoms of the flu. Dry air will also make your nose and throat more irritated. Thus, always try to keep your surroundings moisturized.

To keep the air moisturized, you may use a humidifier to add moisture back into the air.

Nasal Spray

If your mucus is thick or has dried out, you may use a saline nasal spray or drop to flush it out easily. Nasal sprays are effective in getting relief from congestion inside the nose. It washes away the thick and dried mucus and makes it drain faster.

Elevate Your Head While Sleeping

Sleeping horizontally can cause your mucus to dry up easily. These can cause a blocked nose and cough.

Use an extra pillow to elevate your head upwards slightly. In case this is not comfortable, you may also create a slope angle with your mattress or bed by placing something under it on the head’s side.

Maintain a Strict Diet

Food gives your body the energy it requires to fight off disease.

But the wrong supply of food may make it worse. You must know what to eat and what not during the flu. Even if your loved ones are suffering, it is on you to provide them with the right food.

Your food habits can make you vulnerable or make you resistant to the flu. Furthermore, the diet will also help you get constipation relief caused by flu pathogens.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Food Items

Here is a list of the most positive food items you should eat during the flu:

  • Broth
  • Chicken soup
  • Garlic, Yogurt (without sugar)
  • Vitamin C containing fruits
  • Green leafs
  • Oatmeal
  • Spices (avoid when having a sore throat)

Here is a list of the most harmful food items you should avoid during the flu:

  • Hard to digest grains like rice and pasta
  • Sugary foods or drinks
  • Milk
  • Chocolates
  • Oily foods
  • Caffeinated Drinks
  • Alcohol