There are several reasons why you may need a tooth extraction. It could be because the particular tooth has severely decayed or suffered advanced periodontal diseases. If you have a problem with an overcrowded mouth, Dr. Nadja A. Horst of 601 Dental Studio PA in Pembroke Pines, FL, can help you prepare your mouth for orthodontia.

The main objective of orthodontia is to properly align teeth, which is not possible if the teeth are too big for the mouth. Professional dentists also recommend extraction of teeth that fail to erupt through the gum because there is inadequate space for their growth in the mouth.

When you require the services of an oral surgeon, ensure that you search for one with specialized training to perform dental surgeries.

The Tooth Extraction Process

Before your tooth is pulled out, the dentist numbs the area around the tooth by injecting a local anesthetic. They may also use a strong general anesthetic, which helps in preventing pain and keeping you asleep during the entire extraction procedure. Numbing is necessary because the process could otherwise be painful. Some teeth extractions require the doctor to make incisions on the gum and bone tissue that covers the teeth before removing them. Other teeth may be difficult to pull out and have to be removed in pieces.

Dentists classify teeth extraction into two categories; simple or surgical. Depending on the shape, size, location, and positioning of the tooth to be removed, a surgical dentist can determine the type of tooth extraction to use.

When you have an appointment with your oral surgeon, they will inquire about your medical history before extracting your tooth. This will include the medications that you may have taken earlier.

What Happens After Extraction?

When the tooth is removed, bleeding occurs at the site of extraction.

Dentists control the bleeding by either stitching the extraction site, making use of topical clotting medication on the gums, or packing the tooth socket with a dissolvable gauze or foam. Many people prefer the use of blood-thinning medication to control bleeding. However, blood thinning can cause more bleeding during surgery.

In other situations, your dentists may recommend you to take antibiotics before your tooth is removed. They do so when treating those dental infections that have widespread symptoms like malaise or oral swellings.

Before taking medications, ensure that you have a prescription from a professional dentist. If you have a toothache without swelling, you should not use antibiotics but visit a doctor for extraction.

After you have had an extraction, a professional dentist will advise you to apply an ice pack and bite gauze for half an hour in the extraction area. Other doctors prescribe pain medication and also schedule a follow-up appointment throughout the healing period.

How Long Does It Take to Heal?

A tooth extraction area takes about two weeks to heal. If the pain does not recede with time or fail to respond to the pain medication prescribed, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider.

It’s also essential that you avoid hard foods such as chips and nuts during the healing period. The cost of undertaking a tooth extraction depends on whether the procedure is simple or surgical. Removing an impacted tooth is more expensive compared to the removal of a single tooth. When there is a need to remove a tooth, make sure you know how to choose the best dentist.