Whether it’s cold winter winds or summer frizz, there always seems to be something that’s hurting your hair and making you feel unsatisfied with your appearance.

Many of us invest in expensive hair products for a quick fix on bad days, but did you know that there are other ways to help your hair that are completely natural and healthy

We’ve got three incredible recommendations to make your hair look and feel amazing. You might already have these products in your kitchen, and if not, they’re very easy to find. With these three brilliant products, your hair will be looking amazing in a short time. 

Castor oil is a great way to make your hair silky and nourished.

1) Castor Oil

Castor oil is a fantastic product with a range of benefits for your locks. Many people use it as a natural conditioner to keep moisture in your hair, particularly if it’s liable to become dry and get split ends. The ricinoleic acid naturally occurring in castor oil is a brilliant moisturizer, and it keeps your scalp clean and healthy. You can buy organic castor oil easily on the internet, and your hair will be shining and smooth in no time. 

It’s important to do a patch test before you use castor oil, just to make sure that you don’t have an allergy that you’re unaware of. You can do this by putting a small amount of castor oil on your skin and leaving it for an hour or two. This is a common procedure if you’re using dye or brand-new products — it’s easy to do and makes sure you’re safe.

2) Banana Mask

I bet you never knew that you could use this common household fruit as a way to boost your gorgeous locks! Not only do bananas taste delicious, but they’re also packed with nutrients that are great for your hair

Banana has a high silica content, which can be great for soothing frizzy hair, giving your locks a gorgeous glow. It can also be used as a natural dandruff remedy due to the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of bananas. Plus, you have a snack in hand if you get hungry while using it!

There are plenty of different banana mask recipes that only require simple household ingredients, many of which you probably have in your kitchen. We recommend trying a banana mask as a way to unwind after a stressful day at work. 

3) Coconut Oil

As well as having some incredible benefits if you put it in your food, coconut oil is fantastic for your hair and skin. Studies suggest that it works as a mild sunscreen, blocking some harmful UV rays from hurting your hair. 

It’s also a wonderful way to moisturize deeply, particularly if it’s kinky or prone to dryness or frizz. Just massage it in and leave for your desired amount of time. Make sure to use coconut oil regularly and get ready for soft, silky locks.


We know that these three products work wonders for everyone because of their natural ingredients and proven health benefits. However, it’s important to always check that the product you’re using is best for your hair type — if you have naturally oily hair, coconut oil will be less helpful. 

No matter what your desired look, there’s a wonderful product for you on this list! You will see how easy it is to get nourished, shining hair without resorting to expensive brands.