As an expectant mother, these times of uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic can be nerve-wracking. The COVID-19 has caused a lot of people so much distress and anxiety. If you feel worried, afraid, and stressed, it’s reasonable and understandable. At this time, if you are a pregnant woman, you need to be taking care of your pregnancy as they are more vulnerable to contracting the virus due to their low immune system. 

Here are some excellent tips to help you stay healthy and safe during this pregnancy.

Eat a balanced diet and exercise. 

The immune system’s efficacy usually dips when you’re expectant, which places pregnant women at a higher risk of catching illnesses, and more so, coronavirus. Ensure that you stock up on enough carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and proteins to boost your immune system taking care of your pregnancy.

Take probiotics, too. Probiotics are found naturally in foods like natural yogurt or kefir. You can also take supplements given to you by your doctor or found on the counter of medical stores. Probiotics will help in increasing your immunity, as well as your baby’s. It helps protect your baby from any infections, asthma, and allergies in the long run.

Exercise regularly as it’s very beneficial for you and your growing baby. Exercise helps keep a tab on your body’s temperature, keeps your anxiety levels down, helps with hormonal balance, and regulates blood flow. 

Get virtual checkups.

Regular checkups during pregnancy are mandatory to ensure your baby is healthy and safe. To minimize any potential dangers and the risk of mixing with people taking care of your pregnancy, you can have virtual checkups with your doctor. If you must go in for a physical checkup or ultrasound, please follow the recommended guidelines like sanitizing frequently and observing social distancing. Don’t forget to wear a good face mask when out in public. Get your masks from Facemasks-UK.

Get enough sleep.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Your body needs to be well-rested when you’re expectant, and more so, if you plan on boosting your immunity. Your body is dealing with so much now physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Make sure you give it some good rest. 

Ensure that you have a good relaxed environment around you for you to be able to go to sleep with no problems, and to sleep for longer hours to get enough rest.

Stay away from all the negativity.

You and your baby must keep your stress levels down even during this time. There are always updates and live feeds on the news about coronavirus, and it can be distressing. It’s okay to keep up with the news; it would be best if you don’t dwell on it too much like being stuck in front of your television all day.

One way to continue taking care of your pregnancy and help keep feelings of anxiety away is by meditation. Meditation is a fantastic way to clear your mind through breathing exercises. These exercises are suitable for your mind and help slow down and ease your stress and worries. There are several amazing meditation apps you can download online to get started.