If you are experiencing pain beginning from your hips through your buttocks and legs, you can suffer from sciatica risks. This condition mainly occurs when your sciatic nerve in the spine is compressed by a herniated lumbar disc. However, you may experience this condition due to other conditions, and that is why you need an accurate diagnosis. The Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine’s medical experts’ team offers accurate diagnosis and treatment for sciatica in Shrewsbury and can help you. However, the good thing is that you can avoid this condition and the following are tips to help you.

Strengthening Your Core Muscles

Your core muscles play a notable function in your back’s health. The bones of your spine rely on these muscles for support and flexibility. Therefore, if the muscles become less weak, the strain they hold will be placed on the soft tissues of your spine and the ligaments and disks. This increases your risks of developing sciatica. However, you can strengthen these muscles through core strengthening exercises to increase your chances of bypassing the sciatica symptoms. You can make it a routine to do these exercises every 20-30 minutes of your day.

Pay Attention to Your Posture

Like most back-pain conditions associated with poor posture, you can increase your sciatica risks by not maintaining a healthy posture while you stand or sit. Some of the postures can cause imbalances in your spine, increasing the chances of sciatica nerve compression. Consider speaking to your doctor about the nature of your job, as it can be the one influencing your bad posture. Your provider will advise you accordingly on avoiding dangerous postures that pose threats to your spine health in general.

Be Careful How You Lift Stuff

The general rule of lifting objects from the ground is bending to pick them up and then using your strength to lift them. Bending your waist and back is like an invitation to back complications such as sciatica. When you are lifting heavy objects, it makes it even worse. However, there is a way you can lift the objects without increasing your risks of complications. You can balance the weight between your back and legs by bending at the knees, too, as you lift the stuff. This takes much pressure off of your back, reducing the risks for sciatica.

Shift Your Position

If your job allows you to sit or stand for long periods, you should look for alternatives to help you shift positions while you work. You can take breaks and walk around the office to pick a file or inquire about something rather than get it over the phone. Besides, you can also ensure that you use chairs that promote good back health, particularly chairs with proper lumbar support. However, note that these alternatives can’t save you from your eight hours or so of sitting. The soundest thing to do is to take breaks from that position more often.

Stretch and Do Some Warm-Ups

Before you engage in your favorite sport, it is good to stretch out and do simple light exercise to increase the blood flow and prepare your muscles for activity. Remember that your muscles play a vital role in the prevention of the compression of your sciatica nerve.

If you have grieved from sciatica before, you know how disruptive its symptoms can be to your quality of life. Therefore, it would be great to prevent the condition’s reoccurrence, and the above tips can help you. Besides, don’t forget to always consult your provider for guidance.