Dental veneers are very popular in Hilliard. They are one of the best options for correcting your smile. Veneers are made from ceramic or porcelain material, which feels and looks like natural teeth. They are strong, beautiful, and durable. If you live in Hilliard veneers here are the top reasons to get veneers.

1. Protecting Chipped or Cracked Teeth

If your tooth is chipped or cracked, it is weak. You may be unable to eat certain foods. Veneers can make your teeth stronger. They can resolve your problem in two main ways:

Veneers are very strong. They reduce the pressure on your teeth when chewing, hence protecting chipped or cracked teeth from further damage.

Veneers can fix the look of the chipped or cracked area. Your tooth can retain its natural look.

2. Cosmetic Benefits

Veneers, like dental crowns in harrisburg, can fix various cosmetic issues. They are great for closing gaps, brightening your smile, and covering your chipped teeth. They may also fix alignment issues. Since they look and feel like natural teeth, veneers can help you attain the beauty of natural teeth. If your teeth are already weakened or worn down, veneers keep them from getting worse.

3. Changing Your Teeth Shape

If you wish to change the shape of your tooth, this may be one of the best reasons to get veneers. Imperfectly formed teeth are common, but you do not need to live with them. Veneers can be contoured to alter the shape of your tooth, allowing it to blend well with the surrounding teeth.

4. Durability

Dental veneers are durable. They can last a lot longer than traditional composite fillings. They can remain in good condition for up to 15 years. Proper care may increase the durability of veneers.

5. Easy Maintenance

Veneers are easy to maintain. You simply need to brush and floss them like your natural teeth. With the right care, they can remain white and strong for a long time. After installment, you must start thinking of your veneers as your natural teeth. The shells are placed on top of your natural teeth, so caring for them is very easy.

6. Hiding Permanent Stains

If your teeth are permanently stained, teeth bleaching and whitening procedures might not be enough. Veneers are the best option for covering permanent stains. They help you achieve a beautiful smile that remains bright for years. If opting for veneers it is worth considering which type of veneer material to go for. For instance, veneers made out of porcelain do not stain whereas the cheaper composite veneers will absorb stains from drinking colored beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine. This will result in you needing them whitened or replaced over time. 

7. Simple Installation

The process of installing veneers is quick and simple. There are minimal trips to the dentist and the entire process takes an average of four weeks.

8. Filling Missing Gaps

If you have a small gap between your teeth, veneers may be a good option. They add some bulk to your teeth and may be great for plugging in the gaps. Your teeth will retain their natural color and proportions.

There are many reasons to get veneers. They are great for filling gaps, altering the shape of your teeth, and protecting cracked or chipped teeth. They are durable and easy to maintain. If you suspect that you can benefit from them, seek the opinion of your dentist.