Mammalian body temperature are independent of environmental temperature variations and is usually regulated homeostatically around a specific set point. Fever, also known as pyrexia, is when a person’s body temperature rises above the normal circadian range. GatherWell Rapid COVID Testing offers Ham Lake fever testing to evaluate whether you are positive for COVID-19.

What it Means When You Have a Fever

The human body receives temperature inputs from the environment through skin receptors and transmits the information to thermoregulatory centers in your body. The thermoregulatory system, located in the anterior hypothalamus, stimulates temperature regulation processes to maintain a relatively constant body temperature. In humans, the hypothalamic set point is usually around 37 degrees Celsius. Increased cell destruction and specific infection can cause a rise in body temperature.

Types of Fever

The different types of fever vary depending on the pattern of temperature changes and include:

  • Continuous/sustained fever: Temperature will elevate above the ordinary and does not fluctuate more than one degree Celsius in 24 hours.
  • Intermittent fever: Temperature elevation is not constant and will keep alternating to average body temperature.
  • Relapsing fever: Body temperature will return to normal after days of elevation.
  • Remittent fever: Temperature will elevate above the ordinary and fluctuates more than one degree Celsius in 24 hours.
  • Pel-Ebstein fever: Fever that presents as elevated temperatures for one week and low temperatures the following week.

Common Symptoms of Fever

Patients with fever usually complain of:

  • Feeling hot
  • Rigorous body chills accompanied by severe shivering – This symptom indicates rapid body temperature rise.
  • Excessive sweating
  • Delirium: Mental confusion is a common symptom in young children and older individuals
  • Muscle pain: Myalgia can suggest an underlying viral infection.
  • Sore throat, nasal discharge, and sneezing
  • Sinus pain and headaches

Determining if Your Fever is a Symptom of COVID-19

An increase in body temperatures is a sign that your body is fighting to eliminate infections. During this global pandemic period, it is essential to keep track of your body temperature. Understanding your body temperature can help you diagnose any viral infection like the coronavirus and start treatment in time.

To determine whether your fever is a symptom of COVID-19, watch out for additional symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell, fatigue, and a runny nose.

It is crucial to continually check your temperature as a precaution to curb the spread of COVID-19.

How Often You Should Check Your Temperature For COVID-19

The symptoms of COVID-19 usually appear within 14 days of contracting the virus. How often you should measure your temperature depends on your health and other risk factors, like your job. If you are in constant exposure to other people, it is recommended that you check your temperature twice a day.

How to Take Your Temperature

The best way for adults and children above four years to check for fever is through an oral thermometer. Take your temperature at least thirty minutes after eating or drinking, and avoid taking fever-reducing medications within 4 hours of testing. The same thermometer can be shared by all members of your family as long as it is appropriately cleaned.

GatherWell Rapid COVID Testing offers fast and accurate COVID-19 fever screening. Call or book an appointment online today to receive COVID-19 results in just 15 minutes.