Discomfort or pain in your chest may be an indication that you need to see your doctor. The intensity and severity of chest pains may vary depending on the different causes. To distinguish between severe and mild chest pain in Covington, your specialist may need to conduct tests including X-rays, CT scans, and blood tests. The symptoms of chest pains vary from person to person, depending on the cause of pain in the chest. Below are examples of conditions that may result in chest pain.


Ribs in your body consist of joints and cartilage, which provide an attachment area to the sternum. Inflammation of these joints may cause pain and tenderness along the breastbone. Taking a deep breath may increase the pain. There is no established cause for this condition.  You can, however, minimize the symptoms by the use of a cold or warm compress. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen may also help reduce discomfort. In most cases, chest wall pain or costochondritis goes away on its own after several weeks.

Although there is no clear cause for this condition, certain factors such as joint infections and physical stress may result in costochondritis.


The pleura is a thin tissue that covers the outside of your lungs and lines your chest cavity. Space in between the pleura layers is known as the pleural space. You may develop pneumothorax when air leaks into the pleural space. Accumulation of air exerts pressure on the outside of your lungs. As a result, your lung may wholly or partially collapse. This condition is characterized by sudden sharp pains and shortness of breath. Pneumothorax may be caused by chest injuries from car crashes and lung damage resulting from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Certain factors such as smoking, genetics, and mechanical ventilation may increase your chances of developing this condition.

Pulmonary Embolism

This condition occurs when a blood clot blocks one of the arteries in your lungs. Pulmonary embolism hinders blood flow in your lungs and may be life-threatening. Early treatment reduces the risk of death since blood clotting occurs in other parts of your body, such as your legs, before traveling to your lungs. Symptoms for pulmonary embolism include; 

  • Shortness of breath
  • Sharp pain when you bend or cough
  • Blood in your sputum
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive sweating,
  • Irregular heartbeat. 

Certain conditions put you at risk of developing this condition, for example, lung and kidney cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and surgery. However, you can prevent the formation of blood clots by wearing compression stockings, engaging in regular physical activity, and keeping your legs in an elevated position.

Your doctor may recommend treatment for your chest pain based on your diagnostic results. Various treatment methods may include medications such as blood-thinners, anti-depressants, aspirin, and artery relaxers. In case your condition is severe, a surgical procedure may be more effective. Different surgical processes include lung reinflation, bypass surgery, and dissection repair.

Chest pain is widespread and may indicate a serious health problem. Reserve a date with your doctor at Louisiana Heart and Vascular for treatment and prevent severe medical conditions that can put your health at a greater risk.