There are lots of weight-loss strategies that may help you lose weight. Unfortunately, the weight loss industry has lots of myths and it may be difficult to know what works. Your Ashburn wellness professional may help you make the right choice. The following are common weight-loss strategies that work.

1. Cutting Calories

This is one of the most common strategies. Those who rely on it simply strive to burn more calories than they consume. According to some experts, the equation of weight loss is that simple. Unfortunately, this strategy does not always work. Weight loss is not always a linear event. If you cut calories, you are likely to lose weight only for the first few weeks. You will mostly be losing lean tissue and water. After a few weeks, your metabolism will slow down.

Another flaw of this strategy is that calories don’t always count the same. 100 calories of broccoli, for example, won’t have the same effect as 100 calories of sugar.

2. Reducing Fat Intake

Many diet plans are based on this strategy. The strategy encourages the consumption of fat-free milk, fat-free snacks, and other food options with reduced fat content.

The fault with this strategy is that it seeks to eliminate all fat including healthy fats. Sources of good fats include; avocado, nuts, and fish. Many people may end up getting rid of healthy fats and consuming empty calories.

3. Avoiding Carbs

This is one of the most common weight-loss strategies. It is based on cutting your intake of carbs and increasing the consumption of other foods. Experts who recommend this strategy focus on the way that the human body accumulated body fat after the consumption of carbs. When you consume carbs, they enter your bloodstream in the form of glucose. Your body burns off glucose before burning fat.

If your meal is rich in carbohydrates, the body will produce insulin which regulates sugar levels and makes it difficult for your fat cells to release fat which the body normally burns as fuel. As a result, you will gain weight.

If you consume carbs regularly, you will often have cravings for it. The vicious cycle continues and losing weight is almost impossible.

Experts who recommend low-carb intake encourage dieters to increase their consumption of proteins and fat.

The strategy is great but it may not be sustainable. Replacing carbs completely may affect your general health.

4. The Mediterranean Diet

This strategy encourages the consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and healthy carbs. The strategy permits the consumption of meat in moderation. It goes beyond diet and also encourages physical activity. This is one of the most sustainable and effective weight loss strategies since it is not very restrictive and doesn’t solely rely on diet.

Even though there are plenty of weight-loss strategies, they don’t work the same way. They are all unique and may have different benefits and disadvantages. While most of them are mostly based on a diet; weight loss involves a lot more. It is about exercise and a complete change of lifestyle.