One of the best ways to tell if you are unfit is to measure your body mass index. Most overweight patients do not understand how they can get rid of excess weight to a healthy size. Patrick Rhodes, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, is a Kingwood family nurse practitioner highly skilled in helping patients lose weight and maintain their desired weight. Some of the most common lifestyle changes to help you lose weight include;

1. Exercise regularly

According to ACSM guidelines, you should strictly maintain at least 200 minutes of exercise per week. The more active you are, the higher your chances of losing weight or maintaining your current weight. Moreover, exercise helps enhance cardiovascular health. Therefore, the more fit you are, the lower your risk of getting secondary diseases to weight gains like obesity, diabetes, or stroke.

2. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is great for your body, especially since it helps balance the ions in your body. Moreover, water plays a crucial part in cleansing the body and getting rid of excess waste. It is essential to appreciate water as your primary source of hydration. Avoid compensating water for other sweetened beverages like soda which have a higher calorie content that does not cause weight loss.

3. Plan meals in advance

This strategy will enable you to keep track of your meals and look forward to your choices. Moreover, this will prevent unhealthy decisions made impulsively because of hunger. Plan to make home-cooked meals. If you are a terrible cook, it might be time to start taking cooking classes so that you reduce your reliance on restaurant meals or fast foods. When leaving the house, remember to pack healthy snacks comprising vegetables and fruits to help you control your hunger throughout the day. Do not forget to carry a bottle of water.

4. Consume whole foods

Your diet plays a massive role in weight loss. The more processed foods you consume, the lower your chances of losing weight and achieving your body goals. Instead, focus on whole foods. Any meal that is unprocessed with a low-fat content is excellent for shedding off extra pounds. Furthermore, create a habit of eating foods rich in fiber.

5. Practice mindful and responsible eating

Portion size and its relation to weight loss is a controversial subject. Many other reasons may cause you to gain weight, like a low metabolism rate even if you stick to small portions. However, avoid overeating. Overeating is an effect of failure to observe mindfulness during mealtime. Eat your food slowly, enjoying it and savoring the taste. Mind your body and stop eating when satisfied. You do not have to finish the whole meal in one sitting, which is excellent for weight loss and economical.

The only way to achieve your weight goals is to remain disciplined in sticking to your lifestyle changes to help you lose weight. To learn more about how you can lose weight faster and in a healthy way, contact Supreme All Care Health and Wellness to get expert advice on nutrition choices.