Calling rhinoplasty “a nose job” underestimates its value. Rhinoplasty surgery will reshape your nose to change your appearance. But people also pursue the surgery to repair damage incurred in an accident. And, others need surgery to improve breathing.

As the Mayo Clinic explains, “The upper portion of the structure of the nose is bone, and the lower portion is cartilage. Rhinoplasty can change bone, cartilage, skin or all three.” Depending on your needs, medical history, and expectations, the doctor will move cartilage from deep inside the nose to locations that fix or improve your profile. For larger fixes or adjustments, they may take cartilage from a rib or other part of the body. After reshaping the nasal structure, the surgeon returns the skin and tissue to their place and stitches the incisions close.

Benefits of rhinoplasty surgery:

Enhanced self-image

Rhinoplasty can improve a person’s sense of how they look. Surgeons work with clients to set goals. Using photographs and other technology, surgeons try to nail down what the patient wants because verbal descriptions are too vague. The best rhinoplasty surgeons will offer the most advanced imaging technology available to aid in this process.  

The doctors need an objective reference for the client’s subjective impression. So, surgeons will set goals in terms of facial symmetry.and the nose shape and size. Patients and doctors must reach an understanding and agreement on realistic expectations. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons points out, “The decision to have plastic surgery is extremely personal. You will have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications of rhinoplasty are acceptable.”

Opened airflow

Tens of thousands experience breathing obstruction. Thousands suffer from high-risk sleep apnea. And, more often than not, breathing problems have a connection with the nose’s alignment. Functional rhinoplasty can fix tthe nose’s interior.structure to correct breathing comfort and ease. 

Obstructions caused by a misaligned septum, for instance, should be corrected to improve your health because blood, heart, energy, and other problems are connected with the respiratory system. Eliminating snoring, for example, will improve the rest your brain and body require. 

Corrected issues

Many people suffer from malformed respiratory systems. Their nose, sinus cavities, or airways have been misshaped by accident, disease, or birth defect. They may require specialized rhinoplasty at the hands of surgeons trained in those problems.

It corrects crippling sinus problems, opens nasal airways, and improves the patient’s self-image. The surgeon’s work may improve a patient’s emotional well-being and/or breathing efficiency and respiratory health.

What rhinoplasty involves.

Minor nose issues can be corrected in hours with little preparation or recovery time. But if you are considering fuller work, you must discuss your goals, the surgical procedure, and the after-effects. 

You may experience some mild to moderate discomfort easily treated with medication. But you will likely have signs of bruising, swelling, and bandages that may last several weeks. And, you must avoid strain and strenuous activity for up to five weeks. 

The sacrifices should be understood by those looking to improve heir looks. But any downside is welcomed by those suffering from nasal obstruction.