Staying healthy and fit during the winter can be a challenge, but it’s not an impossible one. If you’re a senior, take a look at what healthy habits you can follow this season:

Maintain a Healthy Diet:

When it’s cold and grim outside, it’s easy to turn to comfort foods. While it’s fine to indulge in holiday sweets, they shouldn’t be replacements for your regular meals. Try your best to incorporate as many wholesome, nutritious ingredients in your diet as you can. If you’re not sure what to eat, take a look at these superfoods for seniors that will help you stay healthy and energetic through the season. 

Stay Active: 

You don’t need to weather the snow and ice outside to get some exercise. You can do lots of workouts at home. Get yourself a yoga mat and do stretches in your living room. Put on some music and dance in your kitchen. Look up workout tutorials online and follow them to the best of your ability. 

If you can’t find the motivation to work out by yourself, you should consider joining a senior living community. The right independent senior living community will have lots of classes that will encourage you to get up and get moving. You can try exciting activities like Zumba, Tai Chi, aqua aerobics and more. 

It will feel like less of a chore when you’re not alone. It will be fun! 

Get Your Rest:

The darker days can mess with your internal clock and upset your regular sleep schedule. That can be a serious problem! Proper sleep has incredible health benefits that go well beyond a good mood. It can lower your stress levels, lower your risks of depression, improve your concentration, improve your memory and much more. 

If you find that you have trouble getting to sleep in the winter, you should try this:

  • Avoid caffeine in the evening
  • Avoid alcohol in the evening
  • Keep your bedroom temperature cool
  • Get comfortable bedding and sleepwear
  • Relax before bed by meditating, listening to music or doing breathing exercises
  • Stick to a nightly routine

The lack of sunlight can also make it difficult to get up in the morning. If you’re having trouble getting out of bed, you should think about getting a sunrise alarm clock. This type of clock simulates sunlight and slowly wakes you up. It could be the best device to trick your body back into its normal circadian rhythm. 

Take Care of Your Skin:

Winter is hard on your skin. Both the bitter cold outside and the high heat inside will sap all of the moisture from your skin, making it dry and itchy. Seniors are especially susceptible to this problem since your skin gets more sensitive with age. 

When the season arrives, you should upgrade your skincare routine. A standard lotion will not be enough. You need a fragrance-free, heavy-duty moisturizer that offers intense hydration. Put it on every single day, ideally right after you leave the shower or bath. You should also take a look at these winter skincare tips from dermatologists to prevent more dryness and irritation.  

You won’t feel bogged down with the winter blues anymore. After following these tips, you’ll feel great through the entire season.