The benefits of A Beautiful You Medical Spa laser hair removal makes it a favorite among patients; it can improve confidence, cut down on excessive sweat, and even stop odors. Patients often get a glimpse of what they are getting into thanks to research on the internet or social media. The best source, though, remains a doctor who walks each patient through the before, during, and after of laser hair removal.

Talk To The Doctor

Before getting laser hair removal an appointment with a doctor is necessary. Make sure the doctor chosen is licensed and has performed the procedure before. During the initial appointment is time to express concerns and ask questions that might come up. The doctor will want to know medical history, any medications and other medical procedures a person has had. There will be a health exam that will look for any problems. After the check, photos are taken for a before look. The doctor goes over what treatments and the number of visits they think is best for someone. Also, they will talk over what will take place during the procedure, and any possible complications.

Pre-Treatment Care

There are several important things that need to be done before the treatment. When meeting with the doctor they will outline the dos and don’ts to be prepared for anything. Some of the commonly suggested options for a successful procedure include:

  • No plucking or waxing for at least four weeks before undergoing the treatment
  • No procedures and products that disturb the root of the hair
  • Within 24 hours of the procedure, shave the area for better access
  • For six weeks prior to treatment use sunscreen and limit time in the sun
  • No sunless tanning products

Also, the doctor will have discussed what medicines should not be taken before the treatment but they may remind patients what they are. Two hours before the procedure there needs to be a limit on exercise or anything that raises the blood pressure or temperature.

Dealing With Pain

The laser hair removal procedure may be a little painful but there is a numbing cream to use during the procedure. Afterward, the area may have swelling and appear as if a person has a sunburn. Try ice packs on skin and acetaminophen to ease any pain.

There are steps that need to be done after the laser hair treatment to help make it successful. First, stay out of the sun for the length of time the doctor has determined–this can be up to six weeks. Also, use sunscreen and wear cotton clothing that is not fitted during this time. Don’t use any tanning beds or sunless tanning products in the determined time. Try not to rub or irritate the area that was treated, even if it itches or burns. When bathing, make sure that the water is only lukewarm; the area can be exfoliated a week after the treatment. If blisters come up contact the doctor immediately.

Laser hair removal can be a safe treatment that produces real results. How well it works depends on the patient and how seriously they take each step in the process. Following through and understanding what goes along with this popular cosmetic option ensures everyone can walk away with the desired outcome.