So, the winter is right around the corner – for some people that means cozy days spent drinking hot beverages and enjoying the comfort of being inside, but that’s not the case for all of us. If you happen to be a fitness enthusiast and love exercising outdoors, the probability is high that nothing but a heavy storm is going to keep you from having that outdoor exercise. All of that being said, there are some essentials when it comes to working out outside during winter times, and in this article, we are going to talk about everything that you need for winter fitness outdoors.

Think “Dry” – Not Just “Warm”

There are a lot of urban myths about what to do when it’s cold, but staying dry isn’t one of them – in fact, it’s one of the most important aspects of working out outside during wintertime is for you to stay dry! The main reason for that is the fact that the quickest way for you to lose body heat is to get wet. Why is that? 

Well, because water is a very efficient heat conductor which further means that if you get wet, water is going to end up moving heat away from the area of highest concentration which is your body, to the lowest point of concentration which is the cold air outside. All of that being said – be sure to opt for materials that don’t retain water.

Bright Colors Aren’t Just a Fashion Choice

Now, the thing with winter is that not only is it colder outside, it’s also a lot darker, especially if there is a mist outside or if it’s raining – all of these aspects contribute to much lower visibility. This is why it’s extremely important for you to choose clothes that are colorful, in order for people in vehicles driving nearby to be able to see you. 

Don’t worry though, a lot of workout clothes for winter fitness outdoors are actually made to be colorful for this exact reason, so it shouldn’t be all that hard for you to find. The professionals from Evolve Fit Wear say that it’s important to choose waterproof options, hence checking two categories at the same time. And even if the colorful options really aren’t your thing – remember, safety first, fashion choices second.

Be Sure To Protect Your Extremities

We all know that when it’s really cold, the first body parts that suffer are your fingers, ears, nose, and toes. So, in order to keep your extremities from freezing, you should opt to wear a hat or headband that covers your ears, as well as gloves or mittens for your fingers. If you get too warm, you can always take them off and tuck them in a pocket! When it comes to feet – thick socks are your best friends for working out outside when it’s cold. 

When it comes to all these additional equipment, if you can opt for those that are either wool or synthetic. Try and stray away from cotton, since it absorbs water a lot more, while on the other hand, synthetic is going to help keep sweat off your skin. 

What About Shoes?

So, if you happen to find your toes getting particularly chilly while you exercise outside, maybe you should reconsider the design of your shoes and buy another pair. If you happen to own regular running shoes, you should know how great they are for warmer times of the year, and that is due to their design. Basically, they are designed to let heat escape, but the problem with this is that when the weather is chilly, the cold air is able to come right in. That being said, you want to look for running shoes made specifically for winter fitness outdoors.

It’s Time To Layer Up

We have already mentioned one segment when it comes to clothes – the importance of it not retaining water. But, what should you wear exactly? Well, you need different layers in order to be sure that they are going to trap warm air next to your body and keep out the cold air, rain, and snow.

That being, said, here’s how you should layer up in order to properly work out during the winter: First of all, you should put on a thin base layer that’s made of synthetic fabrics in order to help pull sweat away from your skin. Now, in case it’s really cold outside, you can also wear a middle layer, such as a polar fleece. Then, add an outer layer that’s going to protect you from wind, snow, and rain. Depending on the weather condition, this outer layer should be a lightweight nylon windbreaker or vest, or a heavyweight, waterproof jacket.

In the end, it all comes down to just being a bit extra careful and doing your research on the most appropriate equipment that suits you best. So, be careful out there, and enjoy your workouts!