One of the biggest problems that people with eye problems face during the COVID-19 pandemic is the discomfort that comes with wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses with facemasks. The constant need to wipe the eyeglasses after they have gotten foggy becomes a nightmare. Suppose you are facing this type of predicament. In that case, it might be advisable to see a specialist at Suburban Eye Associates for Lasik in Jenkintown to determine whether you are eligible for the procedure. But before you book your appointment online or consult a specialist directly, take a look at what the experts have to say about choosing LASIK.

What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis, also known as LASIK, is a surgical procedure that eye doctors perform to achieve 20/25 vision. In typical circumstances, the cornea is supposed to bend so that light focuses on your retina. This process is known as refraction. As long as your cornea bends correctly, the retina will produce crisp images. But when the opposite happens, you may start to experience blurry vision. The condition is known as refractive error.

LASIK works by correcting the following vision problems:


This type of condition affects your eye’s ability to visualize objects that are far away.


This type causes your eye to see objects that are far away, but it prevents you from seeing nearby objects.


This type causes blurry vision due to the imperfection of the shape of the front part of your eye.

After choosing LASIK, your doctor uses lasers to restore the shape of your cornea. In the long run, your cornea should bend light correctly to focus on the cornea.

What to expect after the LASIK procedure

The primary goal of LASIK is to improve your vision. This means that your vision may change for the better. For example, if you were diagnosed with myopia or nearsightedness, your vision may change after LASIK. In some cases, you are likely to experience natural eye change. This condition is known as presbyopia. It may come as you keep aging.

While LASIK is designed for people with difficulty keeping up with wearing glasses or contact lenses, not everyone can qualify for it. The success of your surgery depends on your refractive error and other circumstances. So if you are either nearsighted or farsighted, the chances of having predictable results are minimal. The only way to determine whether you will benefit from the procedure is by consulting your eye doctor to diagnose your eye problem properly.

See an eye specialist for a LASIK procedure

The success of a LASIK surgery is determined by your ability to focus on objects in front of you. An eye doctor understands the benefits and the risks that come with the procedure. For this reason, it is vital to see a qualified doctor to determine whether it will be the best choice for you. Learn more about the facts about LASIK by scheduling a consultation with an eye doctor today.