Your feet are among the most important parts of your body because if they are hurt, you may not be able to move around to carry out your daily activities. Do your feet hurt, especially in your toe? You might be suffering from Morton’s neuroma. This is a common foot condition causing pain that feels like you have marbles in your shoes. According to Naperville neuroma specialists at American Foot and Ankle Specialist, the disease affects your foot’s bottom, particularly your foot’s ball and your toes.

Understanding Morton’s Neuroma

Any thickening of nerve tissue anywhere in your body is referred to as neuroma. Therefore, Morton’s neuroma is a type of neuroma that happens in your foot. The nerves in your feet are responsible for keeping you balanced and help you avoid falls. If any of these nerves, particularly those that pass through your foot’s ball or your toes, get damaged or irritated, you will experience severe pain in your foot.

Causes of Morton’s Neuroma

This condition can be a temporary problem due to a particular activity. However, the type of shoe you wear can also cause this problem, and that is why women are affected more due to wearing high heels. Therefore, please, if you are on your feet most of your time, consider having proper footwear.

The condition develops gradually over time, so there is less likelihood that a sudden injury is causing your symptoms. Therefore, your career, hobbies, shoe choices, and high arches can cause Morton’s neuroma.

Morton’s Neuroma Signs and Symptoms

This type of neuroma develops over time and can cause intense pain in your feet and other symptoms. The only way to be sure the symptoms are related to this condition is through a medical expert at American Foot and Ankle Specialist.

If you have Morton’s neuroma, you will often feel like you have a lump in your foot. You feel like a stone or marble in your shoe or like a chunk has been stuck under your skin. In most cases, you will experience a swelling or palpable lump, particularly between your third and fourth toes.

You can also experience numbness or sharp or burning pain in your foot reaching your toes. The toes can even curl, cramp, or twitch involuntarily. This pain will advance when you wear shoes, stand or walk. Therefore, you can tell there is a problem, and you should seek expert care as soon as possible.

Managing Morton’s Neuroma

The best way to handle your condition is by taking care of your feet. If you avoid certain types of shoes like heels and old sneakers, you may prevent the situation. However, seeking expert care is the way to go as you can receive help in managing your pain and receive professional treatment options and advice to help you maintain healthy feet onwards.

Several medications and injections can help you ease the pain and inflammation in your feet. You need your feet every day to perform your activities. Therefore, please take care by avoiding  shoes that can hurt them. If your feet are already hurting, let the medical experts at American Foot and Ankle Specialist help you get relief and get back to your quality life.