Toothaches and pain are common complications you can experience often. Therefore, it can be difficult to tell when they are normal or when you should be concerned. Note that what seems small can become big problems within no time and can cause detrimental effects if left untreated. That is why New York SPA Dental Group emergency dentists are always there to help you in case you need urgent dental care. Therefore, it is critical to know when to seek emergency care. That is why the following information has been provided to know when you should consider emergency dental care.

If Your Toothache is Severe

As noted earlier, toothaches can be common, and there are several treatment options you can use to relieve minor aches. However, if you feel that your pain is too much and isn’t responding to some treatments such as over-the-counter medications, it is time to seek emergency dental care. Your emergency dentist will examine your symptoms and your teeth’s condition to unveil the cause of your pain to design the best treatment option that will be more suitable and effective for you.

If You Have a Loose Tooth

If a child has a loose tooth, it can be normal if the symptoms are not severe. However, if you experience loose teeth as an adult, this is an indication that something is wrong with your teeth. Remember that your teeth are all grown and properly matured, and they should be sturdy. A loose tooth means that something has happened or could be happening to your tooth, and you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Are Your Gums Bleeding and Aching?

Although people tend to assume that bleeding gums after brushing or flossing is normal, it is not. It can indicate gingivitis or periodontal disease. More so, if your bleeding becomes excessive, recurrent, and is accompanied by aching gums, please seek medical attention immediately. This is because these are the main symptoms of gum disease, and despite your efforts of brushing and flossing to prevent the disease, it might be right there with you. Note that catching gum disease early enough is crucial to keeping your teeth and gums healthy and intact.

If Your Jaw is Swollen

Swelling of the jaw is not something you can ignore and expect it will go away on its own.  This can be a sign of severe infection, such as salivary gland infection. Besides, suppose the swelling is accompanied by fever, trouble breathing, the bad taste of your mouth, or swallowing problems; in that case, you need to seek emergency dental care where your dentist will clear things up to avoid any condition going untreated.

You Have Signs of Dental Abscess

Having a dental abscess is something enough to put you on your way to seek emergency dental care. Such signs include pus, swollen glands, fever, or a foul taste in your mouth. An abscessed tooth can be caused by trauma in your mouth, an untreated cavity, or severe gum disease. You need to seek treatment immediately.

You Don’t Feel Your Tooth Anymore.

If you have been experiencing pain in your tooth and then the pain fades away, and you can’t feel anything at all, you didn’t get pain relief, and it is not a good sign. Instead, it could be that the infection has spread into your tooth root where there are nerves, and a root canal could be in order. This can also indicate an underlying major dental issue which you should seek emergency dental care to address.

If you are having any of the above issues, it’s time to seek emergency dental care. You can check out this dentist in Salem if you live in Massachusetts. Now that you know don’t let some conditions go untreated, which can cause severe complications later.