The world is moving fast ahead, and the advancements in all scientific fields are constantly bringing us many novelties in all spheres, including medicine. We are far away from primitive healing methods. Some diseases that were terminal in the past are now easily cured, which leads to a prolonged life span.

With all the advances, medicine has been approaching patients with one-size-fits-all types of treatments and health strategies. However, things are changing, and doctors are starting to apply a more personal method. Gene analysis, among other things, is helping them to provide better and more effective healthcare to those in need.

Let’s have a better understanding on why something like custom-designed medical treatment represents the future of medicine.     

What Exactly is Personalized Medicine?

Each one of us is a different and unique individual. Given this simple fact, it is only fair to assume that two patients suffering from the same disease will not necessarily have an equal reaction to prescribed medications and treatment. Why? Well, their genetic material is not the same.

That’s where personalized medicine jumps in. Doctors are diving deep, to the molecular level, and finding answers and solutions to the problems you might face in the future or those you are already experiencing. It is a more precise method, tailor-made specifically for you. As such, it will give you better chances of beating the disease. Not to mention that it could cut down on patient’s costs because the medical professionals will know from the start what is the best-suited therapy for you.

Let’s be clear, this approach is still in its early stage, and there is a long road ahead of us to be able to fully implement it. But it has the potential of completely changing our view of medical science and bringing more favorable outcomes in the future.  

Paradigm Shift

It has been proven that things like diet, stress, and the environment we live in can influence our health. Also, scientists are accepting of the fact that certain DNA variations can affect which diseases we develop and how good we react to treatments.

Although we are all genetically similar, there are minor alterations in our personal DNA, which are completely our own. These small modifications are what makes us unique, and they can play a significant role in how we absorb medications and how our body is using them. By taking this custom-made approach to an individual’s well—being, we can expect more success in tackling even the most dreadful of illnesses.

Advantages of Personalized Medicine     

There are many perks of using this type of medical approach. As already mentioned, it allows therapies and medication to be more specific, catering to the needs of the individual in question, and to be more effective. The prognosis will certainly be much better than when we apply a generalized treatment. By doing genomic analysis, doctors will be able to notice variations and create appropriate drug dosage, minimizing the side effects while maximizing the benefits at the same time.      

Prevention is very important. That is why doctors often remind people to get regular checkups at least once a year. The truth is that in certain cases, catching something in the early stage will lead to a completely different prognosis. Using sequencing technologies, disease susceptibility can be analyzed, and you can focus on prevention with both treatments and lifestyle changes.

Another advantage is not having to go multiple drugs before you find the combination that is perfect for a patient. So, your therapy can start immediately, and you will not waste time. As experts from say, this will boost your quality of life. Also, access to medications that are created to fit your personal needs will do the same.   

Also, by identifying the appropriate drugs right from the get-go, you will minimize the cost of healthcare. The more time you need to get back to the top-notch physical condition, the more bills you will have to pay.

Are There Downsides?

There are ethical and legal disadvantages of having a custom-designed treatment. Some people are concerned about the patient’s privacy. The possibility of insurance companies using the data from genetic analysis and not offering policies to those who have a predisposition to developing certain diseases would be considered highly unethical.

Although certain questions need to be addressed to protect the privacy of the patients, the costumed designed medical treatments, as proven with its benefits, are most certainly part of our future. We would be able to minimize the risks and enhance the effectiveness of the healthcare system.