If you’re looking for an edge in the weight loss game, human chorionic gonadotropin injections may be just what you need as they both augment weight loss and men’s overall health and emotional well-being. Here is why the human chorionic gonadotropin injection is so beneficial for men and why you might want to consider using them yourself.

What are hCG injections and how do they work in Men?

if you know anything about human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), you’ll know it is a hormone that pregnant women produce during pregnancy. HCG levels peak in the early stages of pregnancy and then gradually decline over the course of the pregnancy. Why? HCG helps release a woman’s stored fat so it can be burned for energy that is used to help her deal with the challenge of nurturing the new life within her.

For Both Men and Women

Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin are sometimes used as part of fertility treatments for both men and women. In men, human chorionic gonadotropin injections are thought to increase testosterone levels and sperm count.

Use in a Weight Loss Regimen

Human chorionic gonadotropin injections are also sometimes used as part of a weight-loss regimen. This is typically done in conjunction with a very low-calorie diet. Human chorionic gonadotropin injections are safe for use as a weight-loss aid and providers of alternative medicine offer many programs.

The Science of Calorie Restriction

In recent years, the alternative health community in particular has begun to understand more thoroughly the importance of fasting. Fasting has been shown in studies to improve stress resistance, cell survival, and disease prevention. Why? Fasting eliminates weak cells in the body, causing them to die off by depriving them of nutrients for a short time. In this “survival of the fittest”, your body is left with the strongest, most capable cells that make you “perpetually young”.

Increased stress resistance, cell survival, and disease prevention have all been reported as benefits of fasting. For over two decades, Dr Valter Longo–a biochemistry PhD recipient–has advocated calorie restriction for health and well being. His work has made him known as “the fasting evangelist” as he has publicized his findings from previous discoveries in the food realm that reducing calorie intake without starving oneself lengthened healthy lifespans and lessened instances of cancer and other diseases in animal populations.

Currently, one person out of 10 follows a fasting diet, though the actual wisdom of periodic calorie restriction goes back to Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine), who claimed its healing powers.

Calorie Restriction Causes Autophagy

This way of thinking is also linked to the formal name “autophagy”, as the cellular recycling process your body uses to disassemble unused or broken parts of cells and reuse them for other purposes. This process allows a cell to get rid of unnecessary components and use the ones it needs to create new, useful cell parts. Autophagy also serves as quality control for your cells by getting rid of damaged or aberrant ones.

How are hCG Injections Typically Administered?

In addition to the low-calorie diet, those on the HCG program take human chorionic gonadotropin injections, which are typically given intramuscularly (into the muscle) once or twice a day. They can be self-administered or given by a healthcare provider, though hCG human chorionic gonadotropin injections are best given under the guidance of a healthcare provider who is experienced in administering this type of injection.

Why Should Men Take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin HCG injections?

What hCG Does in the Man’s Body

We know human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone that is typically associated with pregnancy. However, hCG has also been studied to deliver benefits to men as an off-label weight-loss treatment.  Why?

HCG is thought to act on the hypothalamus, which controls appetite. It’s also thought to help break down fat stores in the body, regardless of sex. 

For example, a small number of studies have looked at the use of human chorionic gonadotropin injections for weight loss in men. One study found that men who were given hCG injections along with a calorie-restricted diet lost an average of 14 pounds (6.4 kilograms) over a period of six weeks, compared to those who were just given a calorie-restricted diet without hCG injections. 

Another study showed that men given hCG injections had lower levels of the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin, compared to those who weren’t given the hormone. 

This is why we see, overall, there is some evidence to suggest that hCG injections can help with weight loss in men. 

But the human chorionic gonadotropin injection also delivers a number of other benefits that can augment weight loss and overall men’s health and sense of self. Here are the indications for the use of hCG hormone for men:

  1. Weight loss: hCG injections can help to increase metabolism and break down fat stores in the body and suppress appetite, leading to weight loss.
  2. Improved fertility: hCG can help to increase sperm count and motility, improving fertility in men.
  3. Increased libido: hCG can help to increase sex drive and sexual function in men.
  4. Restoration of the testes: hCG injections can help to restore testicular function in men who have suffered testicular damage or have low testosterone levels.
  5. Increased testosterone levels: hCG injections can help to increase testosterone levels in the body, leading to improved muscle mass and strength, increased energy levels, and improved mood.
  6. Better athletic performance: hCG can help improve athletic performance by increasing energy levels and stamina.
  7. Energy and confidence boost: hCG injections can lead to an increase in energy levels and a boost in self-confidence, helping men to feel their best selves.

How Should You Take HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injections?

HCG Injections Help in a Variety of Situtations

Men may take human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections for a variety of reasons. For example, hCG injections can be used as part of fertility treatment, or to trigger puberty in boys who are delayed in reaching this milestone. In some cases, hCG injections may also be used as part of cancer treatment. Regardless of the reason for taking hCG injections, it’s important to follow the instructions of a medical professional.

How to Take the Shots

Injections should typically be given intramuscularly, which means they should be injected into the muscle tissue, though there are cases with subcutaneous injections make more sense. This can be done at home, but it’s important to ensure that the injection site is clean and free from any potential contaminants. It’s also important to use sterile needles and syringes when giving hCG injections. Those who are new to giving injections may want to practice on an inanimate object, such as a pillow, after watching properly demonstrated videos before actually trying to give themselves an injection.

At Home at a Physician’s Office

With proper care and attention, human chorionic gonadotropin injections can be safely given at home, though it is usually a personal choice whether to use the services of a medical professional to help with the process.