Losing weight is never easy, otherwise, all those fad diets and treatments that promise fast results would not exist. Given that more than 1 in every 3 adults in the U.S. are overweight, it’s not surprising that many diet modifications and weight loss tips are rapidly becoming available to help solve this health epidemic.

In a world where fad diets and quick-fix weight loss solutions seem to appear overnight, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of conflicting information. Many of us have embarked on weight loss journeys, only to find ourselves discouraged by the lack of results or overwhelmed by the sheer volume of advice available. However, in the pursuit of a healthier, happier life, it’s crucial to rely on proven strategies that stand the test of scientific scrutiny.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who lose weight gradually but consistently (1-2 pounds/week) are more likely to succeed in the long run. Aside from following approved weight loss measures, you should also keep track of your weight using a reliable weighing scale to monitor your progress. Once you’ve managed to incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle, maintaining them usually gets easier over time.

Weight Loss Tips Backed By Science

With the availability of the internet, it’s easy to subscribe to weight loss programs that have no sufficient evidence to back up their claims. Here are some of the lesser-known weight loss tips backed by scientific evidence:

  1. Add eggs for your breakfast. Unless you’re not allowed to eat eggs due to medical reasons, try adding one for your first meal of the day. Aside from being a great source of protein that helps you build stronger muscles, eggs will also make you feel full. Research has shown that people who consumed eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel reduced 61% of their body mass index, 34% of waist circumference, and 15% of body fat.
  2. Drink water before meals. A 500ml of water can boost your metabolism by 30% and the increase in metabolic rate peaks within 30-40 minutes after drinking. You’re also more likely to lose 2 kg of bodyweight if you drink a glass before eating.
  3. Black coffee is best. A 100 mg. cup of coffee can increase your metabolic rate by 3-4%. In a research where 100 mg. caffeine was given to the subjects every 2 hours over a 12-hour period, energy expenditure increased to 8-11%. You can reap these benefits if you don’t add too much sugar, cream, or other sweeteners to your cup of low acid coffee.
  4. Buy smaller plates. Researchers from the University of Cambridge found out that people tend to eat less if they have smaller plates, cutlery, and glasses. This simple change can cut off your calorie intake by as much as 279 in one day. Of course, this will only be effective if you don’t go for a second helping.
  5. Eat spicy foods. Chili and cayenne peppers contain Capsaicin, which can help boost your metabolism, burn more calories, and suppress your appetite. Incorporating these into your diet will decrease your urge to consume a lot of food. It will also reduce your appetite for sweet, fatty, and salty foods.
  6. Eat delicious foods. You can still stay healthy without sacrificing taste. According to a nutrition professor at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, most diets fail because the food doesn’t exactly satisfy you. Gone were the days when you had to consume bland meals just to stay fit. Chefs nowadays manage to whip up delicious recipes that can still help you shed off the excess weight.
  7. Eat slowly. Evidence suggests that slow eaters consume more water and fewer calories in one meal. And interestingly, they have a higher satiety level compared to fast eaters. Although additional studies are necessary to further back up this claim, it’s still safe to assume that eating slowly can also help in losing weight.
  8. Eat three apples or three pears per day. Aside from weight loss, this diet also decreases blood glucose levels in overweight women.
  9. Focus on eating. You might want to put down your phone or avoid watching TV during meals. Just like mindless eating, being distracted can also cause you to increase your intake.
  10. Avoid looking at unhealthy foods. If you’re suddenly craving for a quarter pounder with cheese after watching that McDonald’s ad, there’s a scientific explanation for that. A research conducted by the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California has shown that looking at photos of high-calorie, sodium-laden, and sweet foods will only trigger your brain to crave them. Therefore, it’s time to unfollow those social media pages which regularly show images of burgers, fries, steaks, and all the foods that will only make you gain weight.
  11. Eat fruits but avoid fruit juices. Although there’s still a debate surrounding this claim, there’s already data available that a fruit juice contains the same amount of sugar as a carbonated drink. So instead of drinking an apple juice, do yourself a favor and just eat fresh apples instead.

There’s no single way to shed off extra pounds so if  you want rewarding and long-term results, plan on developing healthier lifestyle and diet habits you can count on.

In your pursuit of a healthier, happier you, remember that every step forward is a victory. Weight loss is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about gaining a better understanding of your body, adopting sustainable habits, and nurturing your overall well-being. Along this journey, there may be setbacks and moments of doubt, but take heart in the fact that you are armed with knowledge and a commitment to your own health. You’ve got the science-backed tools, the determination, and the resilience to succeed. So, keep moving forward, stay patient, and never underestimate the transformative power of your own dedication. Your goals are within reach, and with each passing day, you’re one step closer to a healthier, happier you. Keep going, and remember that you’ve got this!