Getting your body in shape is an important piece of living a longer and healthier life, but you also need to pay close attention to your brain health. After all, approximately 500,000 people in Canada have Alzheimer’s disease, but you can help yourself delay or completely avoid the onset of any dementia related medical condition by taking proper care of your brain. Experts have indicated that staying mentally stimulated via reading is a great place to start, but you should also incorporate a brain healthy diet into your daily routine.

Brain Healthy Superfoods

If you want to reduce your odds of suffering from cognitive decline later in life, you need to have a diverse diet that includes many different things. For example, there are several superfoods that are extremely beneficial for brain health, including beans, whole grains, freshly brewed tea, pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, avocados, seeds, wild salmon, nuts and blueberries. It is still necessary to eat certain foods such as dark chocolate in moderation in order to preserve a healthy diet, but experts have indicated that you can safely have up to one ounce of this sweet treat per day.

Which Superfoods Are the Best?

Blueberries have been found to be beneficial for reducing the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and they can also improve your motor skills and learning capacity. Due to this, doctors recommend eating one cup or more of blueberries every day. Fortunately, you will receive the same benefits regardless of whether the blueberries are fresh, freeze-dried or frozen. If you do not enjoy the taste of blueberries, you can get almost the same level of positive results by eating half an avocado once a day.

Seeds and nuts are the perfect snack because they will boost your levels of vitamin E, and this is an important way to minimize cognitive decline. There are several beneficial nuts and seeds to choose from, including walnuts, flax seed, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, and cashews. Having an ounce per day of the seed or nut of your choice will improve your brain health without adding too much fat to your diet. You can also choose between roasted, raw, unsalted or salted and still receive the same results.

Which Drinks Are the Most Beneficial?

Drinking three cups of freshly brewed tea on a daily basis will give your brain and body a positive boost. It is important to note that tea that is not freshly brewed does not provide the necessary nutrients. One of the reasons that freshly brewed tea is so beneficial is that it contains just enough of the natural nootropic caffeine to help you focus more easily, and this can improve your memory and your mood. As an added bonus, the antioxidants in tea will help you maintain a healthy blood flow.

Pomegranate juice is another good beverage option that includes essential antioxidants. One of the best perks associated with pomegranate juice is the fact that it offers some protection from free radical damage. Researchers believe that free radicals lead to aging, and an overabundance of these molecules or atoms in the brain will cause cognitive issues. Unfortunately, pomegranate juice is high in sugar, so you need to be careful about how much you consume. It is best to stick to no more than 2 ounces per day, and you can dilute it with seltzer or spring water for a better flavour.

Other Options for Giving Yourself a Mental Boost

A lot of people utilize nootropics to make them feel more alert and enhance their ability to focus and remember things Nootropics are available in a supplement format, but you can also receive many of the same benefits by consuming foods that contain the naturally occurring building blocks of these products.

Your brain needs resveratrol, antioxidants, protein, vitamin B6, complex carbs, omega-3 fatty acid and dopamine in order to operate its best. The good news is that you can easily add all of these essentials into a healthy and delicious diet. In fact, resveratrol can be obtained from red wine or red grapes, and it is one of the most powerful antioxidants available. Resveratrol also promotes heart health and helps prevent diabetes.

When you consider how diverse your options are, it is easy to figure out how to design a healthy diet that will help your brain without leaving you unsatisfied. Adding a combination of the superfoods mentioned above to your regular routine could make the difference between staying sharp or experiencing significant cognitive decline later in life.

About The Author:
Holly Chavez is a frequent contributor to health and wellness blogs and forums. She often works natural nootropics into her diet (they help with focus) and loves frozen red grapes the best – they’re delicious and an easy way to sneak the potent nootropic, resveratrol, into your diet.