Apart from the delightfully scenic beauty that pines give to a landscape, they are immensely beneficial to human health. Pine pollen is one of the most formidable super foods to ever be discovered. It is also safe and easily available as both a powder and tincture. Though largely occurring in the Alpine regions, out of all pine species, Pinus massoniana and Pinus sylvestris, both native to Asian countries, are commonly harvested for commercial use. Pinus sylvestris is also endemic to Western Europe. Not only is it useful for human societies, pollen from the pine tree also produces phytosterols that provide stamina for animals during mating seasons as part of a natural life-cycle. The amino acids in pollen pine make it an important fitness requirement as they are a prerequisite for protein synthesis.

Pine Pollen Nutrition Facts

It is a nutrient-rich food substance loaded with over 20 amino acids including alanine, leucine and tryptophan among others; which are protein building blocks and neuro-transmitter production boosters. It also contains many essential minerals like folic acid, magnesium, iron, selenium, potassium and vitamins like A, E and B6. Most importantly, it contains the elusive Vitamin D3, which can only be obtained from the sun, fish and egg yolk. Every 10g of pollen pine, contains 2 mg of Vitamin and the amount varies from species to species. It contains nucleic acids and superoxide dismutase which protect cells from radicals and repair DNA.

A unique property of the pollen is its potency in rejuvenating and harmonizing functions of the endocrine system. It is among nature’s most powerful phyto-androgens because it contains DHEA in abundance. DHEA is a hormonal raw material that helps to balance the proportions of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone in both men and women. Pollen from Pinus sylvestris contain 110ng/g of epitestosterone, 80ng/g of testosterone and 590ng/g of androstenedione.

DHEA levels can decline with poor health and stressful conditions, which is why low DHEA levels lead to reduced immunity, diminished libido, mood imbalance, fast aging and obesity among other health issues.

Pine Pollen Powder As An Effective Workout Supplement

The benefit of pollen in bodybuilding has been recognized in many parts of the world. For thousands of years, pine pollen has been used in Asia as a food additive and medicine. Evidence of its use in medicine dates back to the Han Dynasty about 2,000 years ago from Chinese literature and is considered a vital life force. It is used for reducing fatigue and restoring the balance of body functions. People using pine pollen daily as a supplement have reported feeling more energetic over time. Athletes can use it to enhance endurance during physical activity and hence burn unnecessary fat. Additionally, the proteins required for bodybuilding can be easily obtained from the pollen in sufficient amounts.

Perhaps what makes it more important as an energy booster is its anti-oxidation properties. Pine pollen’s phytosteroids help to increase muscle mass and overall body strength without causing side effects like synthetic steroids. With increased workout time, one is able to burn accumulated fat. Furthermore, pine pollen can safely be taken in large amounts because it is a natural source of nourishment.

From fitness studies, selenium features as one of the vital minerals required for optimal body functionality. A daily intake of 55mcg selenium is recommended for adults of all sexes. Selenium is useful for thyroid hormone metabolism, cell anti-oxidation and DNA synthesis; properties that inhibit weight gain. Pine pollen is known to be a great source of naturally occurring selenium.

Additionally, Vitamin D helps in calcium and phosphorus absorption, which builds strong bones, an essential requirement for workout. Between 2001-2006, roughly ¼ of the US population were at risk of Vitamin D inadequacy.

How To Use Pine Pollen Supplement

The pollen can be harvested, processed and used as a food additive as long as it does not affect consumption of other foods as well. Pine pollen powder can be consumed in almost any amount especially if is sourced from the right places. However, when buying extracts, and depending on the purpose, nutritionists recommend between a teaspoon and a tablespoon daily for energy boosts and longevity. Larger amounts might be required when treating ailments. Additionally, many studies recommend a larger intake of protein and amino acids for endurance training; therefore, amounts required to support workouts might be higher than for other members of the population. You should always ask your doctor’s or a healthcare professional’s advice before trying pine pollen, this goes for any supplement you might want to try.



Tom Wells has been putting superfood, health boosters and nootropics to the test for several years and written reviews along the way. He is currently a writer for SlowfoodNation.org, a health blog writing about different supplements, superfoods and nootropics.